Additional Academic Programs
Additional Programs Offered at Monarch
Independent StudyDuring junior or senior year, a student may pursue an Independent Study in various subjects not presently taught at Monarch High School. This individual work is counted as elective credit toward graduation. The student must find a Monarch High teacher willing to sponsor and supervise the Independent Study. A contract must be completed and approved by the sponsoring teacher and the Assistant Principal prior to the start of the study. Students must take Independent Study for a letter grade and the Independent Study class must be in addition to the minimum number of classes required per grade level (for example, a 7th class for 11th grade students and a 6th class for 12th grade students). There are specific guidelines to follow and maximum credit allowances. Independent Study contracts are available in the Counseling Office. Post-Secondary Enrollment OptionsColorado Law (HB 1326) provides high school students the opportunity to apply credit earned at post-secondary state institutions toward high school graduation credit or credit toward a degree or a certification at an institution of higher education, or both. Students who have exhausted BVSD curriculum may qualify for this opportunity. At least sixty days prior to anticipated enrollment, eligible students must give written notice of intent to enroll to the Director of Administrative Services, Boulder Valley School District. Applications are available in the Monarch High Counseling Office. BVSD must approve all CE Courses. **The district covers only tuition at the community college rate for courses taken on the college campus. Fees, books, and other related costs are also the responsibility of the family. A student who drops a course without consent of the principal or receives an F will not be reimbursed. For more information on College Credit Opportunities please see BVSD's website on College Before Graduation. |