Monarch Attendance - Parent FAQ
How do I report an absence?
Login to your parent portal in Infinite Campus here.
In the left-hand menu, click More (If menu is not visible, click the Hamburger icon.)
In “Quick Links” section, click “Report Absence”
Please fill out the form and be sure to report the duration of the absence.
The form may be filled out in Spanish by toggling the language in the top right corner.
Or by calling 720-561-5635. Please leave a detailed message with the following:
Student's first and last name
Student's grade
Date of absence
Reason for absence.
Be sure to include your name, phone number, and relationship to student.
If you need to provide documentation for the absence, please email this information to
When is attendance updated?
Attendance is updated by Infinite Campus every day at 11:30AM and again at 5:00PM
If you do not report your student’s absence before 11AM, you will be notified via phone/email/text that your student has been marked absent.
You can check your students attendance anytime using your parent portal in Infinite Campus
How can I report an incorrect absence?
If your student has been marked absent from one or more classes incorrectly, please contact their teacher immediately.
The attendance office can only excuse absences, not correct them. Only your student’s teachers can make corrections.
How can I set up a prearranged absence?
Pre arranged absences include interviews with college admission officials, interviews with career employer representatives, special family activities, and extenuating circumstances as determined by the principal or their designee.
Please have your student complete the Pre-Arranged Absence Form
You and your student will be notified of approval through email.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions or concerns.