Free meals are still free, but the payment system is changing! Starting on November 13th, if you would like to add money to your student’s meal account, you will have to create a School Cafe account and do it there. If you have a balance on your meal account it will automatically transfer into School Cafe. Meal account funds are necessary to purchase items like second entrees, a la carte items, and side salads. Beginning on November 11th, it will no longer be possible to add money to your student’s MyPaymentsPlus account.
Please see the resources below to help with the transition.
Parent Sign Up Instructions
Video Walkthrough
For more information about BVSD’s School Food Project please visit their website here: https://food.bvsd.org/
Information regarding Free or Reduced-Price Meal Applications may be found here.
Note: If you were approved for Free or Reduced-Price Meals but did not initially consent to share the information with schools and now need consideration for other fee waivers (such as class fees, sport fees, etc), please complete this form.